What Is A Low Vision Optometrist?

Our goal is for you to reclaim the ability to carry out tasks that are important to you. Such an activity could be driving a car, reading the paper, recognizing faces, watching TV, playing cards or board games, cooking, and anything that matters in your life.

As a member of the International Academy of Low Vision Specialists (IALVS) — a network of low vision optometrists — Dr. Jimmy So intensively studied low vision care. We are committed to maximizing our patient’s vision and help them live their best lives.

Dr. Jimmy So, OD

What is Low Vision and Its Causes?

Low vision is an eye condition that cannot be corrected with conventional eyeglasses or contact lenses. Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Retinitis Pigmentosa, and ocular injuries are common causes behind patients with low vision.

There is Life after Vision Lost

Let New Technology Help You See

Do You Need Help Overcoming the Effects of Such Eye Diseases as:

  • Macular Degeneration - Generally associated with aging and results in damaging sharp and central vision

  • Retinitis Pigmentosa -  A genetic eye disease that could begin with poor night vision, advance later to tunnel vision, and potentially end with complete blindness for some.

  • Ocular Albinism - An inherited condition in which the eyes lack melanin pigment, causing various vision problems including reduced vision nystagmus including reduced vision, nystagmus, strabismus, and extreme light sensitivity.

If you’ve been diagnosed with Low Vision due to any of those conditions, please feel free to contact us and find out if specially made microscopic or telescopic glasses can help you see better so as to regain some control in completing certain vital daily tasks that could not have been performed with your Low Vision. Even if you have been told nothing can be done you owe it to yourself to seek a second opinion.

Call us for a


consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for our Low Vision Service!


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